Everything Juwan Howard said with Michigan – Purdue up next

Full video and transcript of everything Wolverines head coach Juwan Howard had to say at his presser before Thursday’s Purdue game.

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On what Phil Martelli said after the game, shooting woes

“We just want our guys, when they have the open shot, just shoot it with confidence. Shoot it – don’t hesitate. If you’re open, take the shot. If you’re not, look to pass. The other option is drive it.

“The key is to give them clarity, make it simple for them so they don’t overthink it. Every player wants to make the right decision with the basketball. They don’t want to go out of the offense and feel like they’re hunting for their shots or hunting for their points – anything like that. How our offense is designed, we share the game. You have open shot, take it. Coach trust it, make a miss, we live with the results.”

Consistency with Eli Brooks and David DeJulius

“They’re just fine, they’ll be alright. They’re workers. Their mindset is to figure out, find solutions on how they can help the team. They have the right mindset, right attitude. Our film sessions have been some of the best teaching, whether it’s individual film sessions or if it’s a team film sessions. That’s some of the best learning there is when it comes to basketball.

“Those two guys are super positive. I trust they will do well for us and they’ve done it throughout the season.”

On Austin Davis 

“Austin has been a big punch for us off the bench. He knows the motto and he lives by it, too. I never have to worry about putting him in and he’s not ready. He’s shown it with all of the hard work that he’s put in in practice, in games. Being in tune with what’s happening on the floor. Communicating with our guys when they’re coming in off a timeout. Being a positive leader. When a guy is just wired the right way, good things happen, and that’s Austin Davis.”

Bad transition defense 

“That was one of the areas that Michigan State really beat us up on is transition. Giving up 21 points – it’s not like we don’t have the habits of getting back in transition and eliminating those points. Our job was we had bad communication, a lack of communication. Some of the guys were able to get open for three or get to the basket, because maybe we had two guys to the ball. We saw it on film yesterday. Guys saw it. Everyone watched it after the game on the bus, in their apartments, in their hotel. That’s the beauty of our team. Our guys are so wired to try to search and see how they can get better. It’s great that they enjoy watching film and trying to figure out how to find the answers of how we can get better.”

Isaiah Livers’ injury

“No update yet, no. We’re just praying that he’ll just keep healing day-by-day, which he is. He’s improving day-by-day and we’re going to see how it goes from there.”

Consistency and Franz Wagner, being a true freshman 

“It’s hard playing basketball in general. You have teams that scout you like we scout them. We try to take away areas where teams are strong at and try to take away some of the players’ strengths and force them to go other directions with the ball or make sure we’re contesting every shot. In time, your confidence will get better when you see the ball go through the net. When you have the coach run a play for you every now and then. But overall, he’s doing what we need. He’s such a smart player. He will figure it out. It’s not like he’s not giving us the production – he is. The coach has got to do a better job of getting him involved.”

Big lineups with Isaiah Livers out

“It’s basically built on the scouting report, personnel and reading the game.

“Just all of the above.”

On Purdue center Matt Haarms’ length and strengths

“They use him both on the perimeter and in the low block. I’ve seen where he’s posted up a lot. I’ve seen actions where he’s ducked in on a high-low pass. I’ve seen a few pick-and-pops. I’ve seen where teams sag off on him and he’s able to make them pay from the outside. He’s very skilled player for his size. It’s nothing new with Purdue. They’ve always had a guy that’s pretty much similar to his height. They always had a guy who has shown has an inside presence. We just have to be ready to take away some of those duck-ins, high-low passes and stuff like that. But it’s hard to do because they’re very creative with their offense with the misdirection and surprising you with a few duck-ins here and there.”

Has a decision been made on Isaiah Livers on Thursday? 

“Actually, a decision hasn’t been made at all. They’ve been in school. I’ve been locked in a lot of film on Purdue and just been focused on that and how we can get better as a team. Writing up the practice plan, having the coaches meeting. Going in (getting) a little workout here and there. Passing out donuts! It’s been a long day. I haven’t thought about it.”

Does the offense change with Livers out?

“Next man up! We have a group, a team and more importantly a group of guys on that roster that knows our sets and I feel very comfortable with who goes in the game. I’m also confident when the ball is in certain guys’ hands, they’re gonna make the right decision with it.”

Big Ten defensive woes 

“Actually, the last game was really disappointing to see that – we allowed 54% they shot? And then, we eliminated the points in the paint. We beat them in that category. Took care of the basketball. But the transition buckets are critical. Our defense will improve. I trust it will.”

Good defense vs. great defense

“I’ll tell you one thing: when you get a win! That makes you feel like, ‘You know what, you did something right!’ The defense you feel like helped you. When you get a loss, you feel like, ‘Okay, well, my defense let me down.’ That’s sort of how we’re wired as former players and now head coach.”

On Cole Bajema’s progression 

“I’ve seen some improvement, he’s getting better. He’s been working hard. He’s in the gym now getting up shots and practice hasn’t started yet. He continues to work hard in practice – which I know he will – his teammates have been great as far as helping him learn the system. His teammates have also been great in helping him overall build his confidence, be very encouraging. His teammates have been great leaders to the freshmen. Cole has bought in and he’s been extremely patient. He’s a super competitive guy. Yes, he wants to play like all our guys do. All 15 want to play. He’s gonna keep improving. I trust he will.

“You’re speaking to a guy who was a freshman back in the day. I know typically – freshmen don’t play – I played right away. Jalen played right away, Chris played right away. That was because I guess Coach trusted and felt like we were ready to go. You definitely have to earn your playing time in practice.”