Everything Juwan Howard said in preview of Michigan vs. Illinois

Full video and transcript of everything the Wolverines head coach had to say with the Fighting Illini up next.

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ANN ARBOR, Mich. —  Michigan is suffering through a three-game losing streak, but the Wolverines will try to stave off a fourth-straight loss on Saturday as they host No. 21 Illinois.

In a short, yet sweet, press conference, Michigan head coach Juwan Howard previewed the game and what the maize and blue have to do to get back on the right side of things.

Watch the full video above or read the entire transcript below.

Concern over Illinois’ rebounding ability

“Illinois is an excellent rebounding team, they’re not a good rebounding team. They’re an excellent rebounding team. Being first in the Big Ten in rebounding, truly that is a point of emphasis, not only throughout our game plan, but throughout the season. Going back to Illinois’ last game, when you think about it, with Purdue they were 20-8 in the first half, winning the rebounding differential. That’s big for us that we’re definitely gonna have to limit them to a one-shot opportunity as well as limiting their second chance points.”

On stopping Kofi Cockburn’s duck-ins

“Kofi is having a great year, too. He’s a very strong, physical big. He scores a lot of his points in the paint on the low block. We just gotta make him work harder, not get any easy post touches. When he does touch it, do our best to try to defend it and make his shot tough.”

Communication in practice post-Penn State

“Excellent. I didn’t come in second-guessing it or worried about our guys’ level of focus, getting ready to come in having a solution-based practice. They were locked in, all in.

“They were locked in. They were locked in. And they’re still locked in.”

Getting more energy from non-Zavier Simpson players

“A leader is always gonna be a guy that holds people accountable. A guy that’s not only gonna communicate everything as far as holding guys accountable but doing exactly what he’s telling his teammates to do. But overall it’s gotta happen throughout everyone. It can’t just be relied on one individual to be that leader, to be that voice. Every guy has a responsibility to do that job.”

Has anyone stepped up in that regard?

“Collectively as a group. Everyone has to get it done and has to step up in that role.”

Opposing coaches trying to make Zavier Simpson less of a facilitator

“Well X is a super competitive guy and he’s also a super smart player. He knows, as far as when to take advantage of what the defense gives us. He also knows when to make plays for others. He’s never a selfish individual. And that’s what makes him special and that’s what makes X one of the elite players in college basketball.”

On Simpson’s load management

“He would know when his load is pretty much too much, but I love where he’s at.”

Having guys shoot when open, regardless of poor team shooting

“I played basketball before, as you all know. I know how to communicate with our guys when I see a player is not his normal self or if I see there’s a possibility where guys are losing confidence. I have a great temper — that’s what I’m best at, at reading people. We’ve had our conversations. Our group knows that our confidence comes first from the coach, and I believe in each and every guy on that team. Even guys that didn’t get a chance to play. It’s not like I didn’t trust them in that moment. The situation within the game and how the game was flowing called seven guys to play in that point. But overall, my rotation will sometimes be seven, eight, nine, ten — who knows, even eleven.”

Isaiah Livers’ injury update

“He’s getting better, I’ll say that. That’s all I got to give.”

Has he practiced? Will he play?

“Not sure yet.”

Zavier Simpson not getting worn out

“Big workload, like touched on earlier, he welcomes it. I’m not concerned at all. Our player development, our medical team, the way how we manage practice time, he gets his chance to recover. If it’s 48 minutes out there or 52, he would still play all 52. I trust him.”

Illinois’ improvement

“They’re playing really good basketball. They’re doing a really good job defending as well as they got a really good play from the outside with their outside shooting, inside scoring. Rebounding is at an all-time high. They come off a big win vs. Purdue. Playing with a lot of confidence.”