Eight thoughts on the 2020 schedule

The dominant Alamo Bowl victory has fans everywhere excited about Texas next season. Here are eight thoughts about the 2020 schedule.

Ending the year with Oklahoma State is weird

Ever since Texas A&M has left the Big 12, Texas has struggled to find a constant opponent to end the season with, especially over Thanksgiving. There has been a mixture of TCU, Texas Tech, and even Kansas over the holiday weekend for the Longhorns.

This year, it will be Oklahoma State in Stillwater, which feels weird. Isn’t this Oklahoma’s job to play their in-state rival over Thanksgiving weekend? Either way, not playing a team you will more than likely be competing for a Big 12 championship appearance with until the final weekend is an odd move that will be fun to see how it pans out.

There is a very real possibility that the final game of the season could mean a lot more than a win or a loss, but it could decide who goes to the Big 12 Championship. Maybe for the first time in the history of the conference championship game, we can see a rematch in back to back weeks. Something the Big 12 wanted to avoid, it is on the table when you schedule two of the top teams to play each other on the final week of the season.