Dustin May’s gravity-defying 99 mph pitch left the baseball world in awe

Just unfair.

One of the most ridiculous (and, frankly, hilarious) things a baseball fan can say while watching game is the mere suggestion that they would be able to make contact against big-league pitching. It might look easy on TV, but there is no more difficult skill in sports.

And if you still don’t believe that, all you need to do is watch the gravity-bending 99 mph two-seam fastball that Dodgers pitcher Dustin May unleashed on the San Diego Padres’ Manny Machado.

May, a right-handed pitcher, somehow was able to get a pitch to break in towards the right-handed batter. Machado didn’t stand a chance. It was just unfair.

I mean, what?! How?! This pitch shouldn’t be possible.

May, who is just in his second MLB season, has thrown more high-velocity pitches with 1.5-plus feet of movement this season than the rest of MLB combined.

The baseball world was justifiably in awe of that pitch.

Baseballs aren’t supposed to move like that.

[jwplayer vTyi7DbJ-q2aasYxh]