Dad of Ohio State QB Devin Brown has jokes … at son’s expense

Devin Brown’s father knows how to keep it light and keep his son from getting a big head.

Devin Brown came to Ohio State as a highly rated quarterback. The No. 6 ranked QB overall in the 2022 class to be exact. But Brown’s dad certainly knows how to keep his talented son humble.

The four-star prospect seems to have a sense of humor as he showed when he recreated a picture of John Elway in some very short shorts. And dad has been known to make some jokes at his son’s expense as well.

Now, dear ol’ dad has gifted us with another post on his personal Twitter account showing junior’s “gains” in the weight room courtesy of strength coach, Mickey Marotti. Check out the good-natured jab below.

There is no doubt, Coach Mick is one of the best in the business at getting his guys in peak condition. But dad’s humorous exaggeration gave us a chuckle while at the same time acknowledging what the strength program is doing for his son.

Well done Coach Mick! And well done dad. In the high-stakes world of big-time college football where things can become overly serious, you’ve figured out a way to keep it fun at the same time. We look forward to more light-hearted fun as Buckeye nation cheers on your son.

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