C.J. Stroud’s career at Ohio State in pictures

A look back at some of the best high-resolution photos of C.J. Stroud in an Ohio State uniform. #GoBucks

After waiting until the last day to declare for the NFL draft, Ohio State quarterback C.J. Stroud let everyone know that he’ll be entering his name into the 2023 draft. According to the release he made on Twitter, it was an extremely hard decision, but it has always been a dream of his to play in the NFL.

So, the news leaves Ohio State with the prospect of replacing one of the most talented quarterbacks to ever don the scarlet and gray. Stroud holds 17 program records and won the Big Ten’s Offensive Player and Quarterback of the Year twice.

With all that goes with the stats and wins, there were plenty of moments to remember Stroud in a Buckeye uniform. We’ve shared many photos of the kid from California over the last couple of years, and we thought it would be a good idea to share some of the best ones to remember what Stroud meant to Ohio State during his time in Columbus.

Here are some of the best high-resolution photos of C.J. Stroud in an Ohio State uniform for your viewing pleasure.