Cincinnati Bengals free-agent target profile: Derek Wolfe

Here’s a look at a Bengals free-agent target.

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The Cincinnati Bengals approach free agency with plenty of needs before getting to the draft.

One possible free-agent target is Denver Broncos defensive lineman Derek Wolfe. Here’s a profile before the market opens.



Wolfe, now 30 years old, is a former second-round pick (2012) who has spent every season of his career in Denver so far. He’s got a local connection after playing college ball for the Bearcats.



Wolfe has played in a full 16-game season once since 2015 and missed four games last year, going on injured reserve. Even so, he finished with a career-high seven sacks despite grading out 68.5 at Pro Football Focus.



Wolfe would be a big get for the Bengals. Lou Anarumo wants to run more 3-4/multiple looks and the staff wants a smaller — but more effective role — for Geno Atkins. The Bengals haven’t been able to get reliable games out of Ryan Glasgow and Renell Wren yet inside and have some depth issues on the edge. Wolfe could come in and reinforce all over.

Adding Wolfe could mean the Bengals use draft resources elsewhere with a need shored up. He could also be a second-wave guy at a decent cost while other teams focus on bigger names.



The Bengals would probably like to get younger, so paying up for Wolfe at the age of 30 doesn’t achieve this. And if his market keeps heating up as other teams have similar ideas, the Bengals could consider him out of their price range.

There’s also the injury history to consider, as Wolfe, while effective, has had a spotty attendance sheet. While the desire is to get better right now, adding Wolfe would also block developmental snaps for others. It’s also a precarious time to potentially add a big short-term contract on a veteran with so much money likely going to A.J. Green, Joe Mixon and William Jackson on extensions.



It’s all going to come down to cost. If Wolfe wants to get back in the Cincinnati area and join an elite unit, it sounds like a party for all involved. But he’s going to have an opportunity to make massive money on the market, which could have the Bengals resorting to a more cap-efficient signing to plug this need. If it happens, it’s a big win.

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