Chipotle renames a Kansas City store in honor of Travis Kelce’s old, misspelled tweet

It’s spelled CHIPOLTE now, thanks to Travis Kelce.

Travis Kelce’s old, harmless and delightfully goofy tweets will never die, thanks partially to X (formerly Twitter) and Taylor Swift fans.

Now, thanks to Chipotle, one tweet (post) is getting a whole new life: The chain renamed one of its locations in Kansas City “Chipolte,” because Kelce once tweeted back in 2011: “Went from class to therapy, now I need some #chipolte and then I’m off to check out my new apt!!”

Yes, he spelled it wrong. And now it’s enshrined forever* (*until the store changes it back after bringing attention to itself).

Check it out, thanks to the Tex-Mex chain: