Charles Barkley really said Jordan Clarkson was having a better season than Anthony Davis and meant it

He’s dead serious.

Charles Barkley says a lot of really wild stuff. Like, a lot. So it’s not really surprising when he has a scorching hot (and wrong!) take.

But on Thursday’s NBA on TNT show when he said he’d vote for Jordan Clarkson over Anthony Davis as an All-Star, it just felt more outrageous than usual. He really believes this.

Barkley said that he wasn’t going to vote Davis into the All-Star game which, fine, sure. He should be an All-Star, but it’s fair to say he hasn’t been the same dominant player he was last season. He’s also been hurt, so there’s that.

But it wasn’t the fact that he wasn’t voting for Davis. It was the fact that he legitimately believes that Jordan Clarkson is having a better season than Davis right now.

And he was incredulous when Shaq and Kenny Smith suggested otherwise. Just look at this, man.

We’re talking about who’s having the best year, not who is a better player…It’s not who is the best player, it’s who’s having the better year.” 

He said he wanted to reward Clarkson for having a great year, which he is! He’s averaging career highs across the board. He’s probably going to be sixth man of the year, which will be his reward.

But he hasn’t been better than Anthony Davis. And when Kenny asked Barkley if he thought Clarkson was having a better year than Davis, Barkley reiterated that “yes” indeed he does believe that. With a straight face.

This is just wild, y’all. Wild. But I guess we should expect nothing less from Barkley at this point.

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