Charles Barkley, a man of the people, loves Uncrustables

Uncrustables are undefeated.

Uncrustables are such a simple concept: Peanut butter and jelly — yes, there are other flavors, but those are the best — but frozen, and (as the name suggests) without the crust.

Kids love ’em, adults bring ’em to rounds of golf, they’re great.

And now, Charles Barkley has joined the chorus of those who love Uncrustables.

While Chuck and the CBS March Madness crew was talking about peanut butter and jelly, Barkley declared, “One of the greatest things ever created is those Uncrustables.”

That launched a conversation that sounded like elementary school kids chatting: Clark Kellogg said Greg Gumbel told him about them:

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