Using combined All-Star appearances and All-NBA selections, we have ranked the Top 40 most star-studded teams in NBA history.
And guess what?
Simply putting together a roster full of stars historically hasn’t been a great way to win a championship, which is probably because due to the salary cap, a lot of those stars were past their primes at that point and playing on minimum deals. After all, how else could a team playing in a salary-capped league have so many stars on a single roster? So you end up with a lot of older stars past their primes on those star-studded teams, which can hurt team chemistry and lower the level of defending on the team.
The most star-studded team in NBA history, for example, the 2021-22 Los Angeles Lakers, had 63 combined All-Star selections and 53 All-NBA selections on its roster, outrageously high marks.
The Lakers went 33-49 that year and missed the playoffs.
Out of the 40 most star-studded teams in NBA history, only 14 went on to win NBA championships. That’s 35 percent. And out of the Top 10 most star-studded teams in NBA history, only the ’73 Celtics and ’13 Heat, the latter led by three in-prime stars – LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh – won the title.
For what it’s worth, and you can certainly use this in future GOAT debates if you want, not a single Michael Jordan team made the cut on this list, meaning Jordan never played on a team among the 40-most star-studded in NBA history.
Check out the complete list down below.