10 golf tech gifts for the golfer in your life this holiday season

Find the best in golf tech for the golfer in your life, including rangefinders, GPS watches, portable speakers and more.

When it comes to spoiling the golfer — or golfers — in your life during the holiday season, it can be a challenge to find the perfect gift. Lucky for you, we’re here to help. We’ve searched the internet for some of the best golf technology gifts to make sure you look like a gift-giving superstar.

Some of the brands featured below are Arccos, Garmin, Bushnell, Whoop and more.

Check back over the next few weeks as we release our final 2024 golf holiday gift guides. You can find the already published golf gift guides here.

We recently released several cold-weather apparel lists that include great gift ideas. If you’re looking to load up your wardrobe for winter golf, check out these cold-weather golf apparel lists that we’ve already released: Best golf jackets | Best golf vests Best golf hoodies | Best long-sleeve polos | Best golf sweaters | Best golf quarter zips | Best fall golf apparel

Arccos – Arccos Starter Bundle

Price: $449.98 $299.98 (SAVE $150)

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Arccos Arccos Starter Bundle” link=”https://www.arccosgolf.com/products/arccos-starter-bundle/?utm_source=golfweek&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=newsletter_12.11_gift_guide&utm_content=newsletter_12.11_gift_guide”]

Bushnell – Tour V5 SHIFT Rangefinder

Bushnell Tour V5 SHIFT Rangefinder
Bushnell Tour V5 SHIFT Rangefinder (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $399.99 $279.98 (SAVE $120)

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Bushnell Tour V5 SHIFT Rangefinder” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/K00Azx”]

Shot Scope – CONNEX Tracking System

Shot Scope CONNEX Tracking System
Shot Scope CONNEX Tracking System (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $99.99 $69.98 (SAVE 30%)

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Shot Scope CONNEX Tracking System” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/WyyLGM”]

Voice Caddie – SC4 PRO Launch Monitor & 3D Driving Range Simulator

Voice Caddie SC4 PRO Launch Monitor & 3D Driving Range Simulator
Voice Caddie SC4 PRO Launch Monitor & 3D Driving Range Simulator (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $599.99 $549.99 (SAVE $50)

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Voice Caddie SC4 PRO Launch Monitor & 3D Driving Range Simulator” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/APPDj1″]

Whoop – 4.0 Health & Fitness Tracker w/ 1-Year Membership

Whoop 4.0 Health & Fitness Tracker w/ 1-Year Membership
Whoop 4.0 Health & Fitness Tracker w/ 1-Year Membership (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $239 $215.10 (SAVE 10%)

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Whoop 4.0 Health & Fitness Tracker w/ 1-Year Membership” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/19937d”]

Rapsodo – MLM2PRO Launch Monitor

Rapsodo MLM2PRO Launch Monitor
Rapsodo MLM2PRO Launch Monitor (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $699.99

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Rapsodo MLM2PRO Launch Monitor” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/o44WO9″]

Garmin – Approach R10 Portable Launch Monitor

Garmin Approach R10 Portable Launch Monitor
Garmin Approach R10 Portable Launch Monitor (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $599.99 $499.98 (SAVE $100)

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Garmin Approach R10 Portable Launch Monitor” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/EEEjy4″]

Therabody – Mini 2nd Generation

Therabody Mini 2nd Generation
Therabody Mini 2nd Generation (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $199 $149 (SAVE 25%)

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Therabody Mini 2nd Generation” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/xLLP5v”]

Blue Tees – The Player+ Speaker

Blue Tees The Player+ Speaker
Blue Tees The Player+ Speaker (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $199.99 $189.98 (SAVE 5%)

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Blue Tees The Player+ Speaker” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/jeegy0″]

Garmin – Approach S70 47mm GPS Watch

Garmin Approach S70 47mm GPS Watch
Garmin Approach S70 47mm GPS Watch (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $699.99 $599.98 (SAVE $100)

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Garmin Approach S70 47mm GPS Watch” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/e11GEz”]

Winner’s Bag: Scottie Scheffler, 2024 Hero World Challenge

A complete list of the golf equipment Scottie Scheffler used to win the 2024 Hero World Challenge.

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”https://cdn5-fstl-tf.anyclip.com/Ukj8C5EBOko400vNnrGh/1722483274490_248x140_thumbnail.jpg” playlistId=”undefined” content=”PHNjcmlwdCBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vcGxheWVyLmFueWNsaXAuY29tL2FueWNsaXAtd2lkZ2V0L2xyZS13aWRnZXQvcHJvZC92MS9zcmMvbHJlLmpzIiBkYXRhLWFyPSIxNjo5IiBkYXRhLXBsaWQ9Imt2dnd1b2NkZ3ZjdWV0M2xuNDJkYW1kd2p6eGhlcjNpIiBwdWJuYW1lPSIxOTk4IiB3aWRnZXRuYW1lPSIwMDE2TTAwMDAyVTBCMWtRQUZfTTgzMjciPgo8L3NjcmlwdD4KPHNjcmlwdCB0eXBlPSJhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi9sZCtqc29uIiBuYW1lPSJhYy1scmUtc2NoZW1hIj4KIHsKICAiQGNvbnRleHQiOiJodHRwczovL3NjaGVtYS5vcmciLAogICJAdHlwZSI6IlZpZGVvT2JqZWN0IiwKICAibmFtZSI6IlRheWxvck1hZGUgULc3NzAgaXJvbnMgKDIwMjQpIiwKICAiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiJUaGUgVGF5bG9yTWFkZSBQNzcwIGlzIGEgbmV3IGFuZCB1cGRhdGVkIHBsYXllciBkaXN0YW5jZSBpcm9uIGZvciAyMDI0LiBJdCBoYXMgYSBzbWFsbGVyIHNpemUgYW5kIGNsZWFuZXIgYWVzdGhldGljLCBidXQgc3RpbGwgaW5jb3Jwb3JhdGVzIGtleSB0ZWNobm9sb2dpZXMgLi4uIiwKICAiZHVyYXRpb24iOiJQVDNNNTAuNDg2UyIsCiAgInRodW1ibmFpbFVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vY2RuNS1mc3RsLXRmLmFueWNsaXAuY29tL1VrajhDNUVCT2tvNDAwdk5uckdoLzE3MjI0ODMyNzQ2NzZfNDgweDI3MF90aHVtYm5haWwuanBnIiwKICAidXBsb2FkRGF0ZSI6IjIwMjQtMDgtMDFUMDM6Mjk6NTAuNzUzWiIsCiAgImNvbnRlbnRVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL2NkbjUtZnN0bC10Zi5hbnljbGlwLmNvbS9Va2o4QzVFQk9rbzQwMHZObnJHaC8xNzIyNDgzMTYyMTYxXzE5MjB4MTA4MF92aWRlby5tcDQiLAogICJpbnRlcmFjdGlvblN0YXRpc3RpYyI6ewogICAiQHR5cGUiOiAiSW50ZXJhY3Rpb25Db3VudGVyIiwKICAgImludGVyYWN0aW9uVHlwZSI6IHsgIkB0eXBlIjogImh0dHA6Ly9zY2hlbWEub3JnL1dhdGNoQWN0aW9uIiB9LAogICAidXNlckludGVyYWN0aW9uQ291bnQiOiAxNTMyNzUKICB9CiB9CiA8L3NjcmlwdD4=”][/anyclip-media]

A complete list of the golf equipment Scottie Scheffler used to win the 2024 Hero World Challenge:

DRIVER: TaylorMade Qi10 (8 degrees), with Fujikura Ventus Black 7X shaft

Shop Scottie Scheffler’s driver

FAIRWAY WOOD: TaylorMade Qi10 (15 degrees), with Fujikura Ventus Black 8X shaft
Shop Scottie Scheffler’s fairway wood

IRONS: Srixon ZU85 (3), with Nippon Pro Modus3 Hybrid Tour X shaft, (4), with True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue X100 shaft, TaylorMade P-7TW (5-PW), with True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue X100 shafts.

WEDGES: Titleist Vokey Design SM8 (50, 56, 60 degrees), with True Temper Dynamic Gold Tour Issue S400 shafts.

Shop Scottie Scheffler’s wedges

PUTTER: TaylorMade Spider Tour X L-Neck

BALL: Titleist Pro V1

Shop Scottie Scheffler’s golf ball

GRIPS: Golf Pride Tour Velvet (full swing) / Golf Pride Pistol (putter)

Cool things we saw in 2024: The re-opened World Golf Hall of Fame

The story of golf is told in a bright new Hall of Fame nestled amongst the trees in Pinehurst.

A short walk from the 18th green at Pinehurst No. 2 – where Payne Stewart, Martin Kaymer, Michelle Wie West, and Bryson DeChambeau won U.S. Open championships – the World Golf Hall of Fame reopened this summer.

Set among the North Carolina pines, the World Golf Hall of Fame houses an unparalleled collection of golf memorabilia and artifacts. If you want to learn about the history of the game or the men and women who have played the biggest roles in its growth over the past two centuries, this is the place to visit.

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”https://cdn5-fstl-tf.anyclip.com/r4nmnZMBZ-SFHXOGKGI4/1733521055849_248x140_thumbnail.jpg” playlistId=”undefined” content=”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”][/anyclip-media]

Compared to the recently closed World Golf Hall of Fame location in Florida, the Pinehurst setting feels more intimate and personal.

Warm wooden floors and soft lighting give the space a clean, modern aesthetic without feeling pretentious. Visitors to Pinehurst for golf can easily spend 45 minutes or an hour exploring the Hall while staying immersed in the game.

World Golf Hall of Fame
After walking into the World Gold Hall of Fame, visitors are greeted by an assembly of major championship trophies. (Gabe Gudgel/Golfweek)

Winged Foot, Seminole and Oakmont are known for their historic courses and locker rooms, but nothing compares to the “Member Locker Room” inside the Hall of Fame. Rather than being divided into separate rooms and hallways, the Hall is housed in a large, open space organized in rows by era. Each of the 170 inductees has a personal locker filled with memorabilia and information.

Jack Nicklaus’s iconic 1-iron, used on the 17th hole at Pebble Beach during the 1972 U.S. Open, leans against the left side of his locker. Masashi “Jumbo” Ozaki’s locker holds a samurai sword, while Nancy Lopez’s Girl Scout sash, Babe Zaharias’s baseball glove, a model of Phil Mickelson’s private jet, and even Dan Jenkins’s typewriter are among the treasures on display.

World Golf Hall of Fame
Jack Nicklaus’s scorecard from the 1971 PGA Championship. (Gabe Gudgel/Golfweek)

At the end of the rows, touchscreens allow visitors to learn about Hall of Fame members, watch videos, and locate specific players’ lockers.

Michael Trostel, the Hall of Fame’s director, spoke with every living member in the months leading up to the reopening. Some lockers feature a small gold star, indicating places where visitors can use a free smartphone app to listen to inductees discuss the items in their displays.

The Hall of Fame honors more than just players. Legendary course architects like Donald Ross, Robert Trent Jones, and A.W. Tillinghast have lockers, as do cultural figures like Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Clifford Roberts, one of Augusta National Golf Club’s founders and longtime chairmen.

World Golf Hall of Fame
The era of “The New Millenium” features players like Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson and others from the 2000s. (Gabe Gudgel/Golfweek)

Sprinkled among the filled lockers are spaces marked for future inductees, with room for about 30 years of new members. The most prized empty spot? Third from the end in the most recent era row, nestled between Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson and just before Davis Love III.

Golfweek had staff members on-site at all the major championships in 2024, reported from the NCAA Championships and was allowed inside factories where some of the finest equipment is made, but nothing was cooler than strolling the aisles at the World Golf Hall of Fame and having a chance to walk among the giants of golf.

10 up-and-coming golf brands you should get to know

Find a great golf gift this holiday season from an up-and-coming brand.

Seemingly every golfer owns a piece of apparel from giants like Nike, Adidas or Under Armour. But what about the smaller brands? Well, it’s time to show them some love. In this gift guide, we’ve compiled a list of great golf gifts from up-and-coming brands.

From polos and pants to quarter zips and golf shoes, this gift guide has it all.

Some of the brands featured below are Turtleson, Seamus Golf, Devereux Golf, Bad Birdie and more.

Check back over the next few weeks as we release our final 2024 golf holiday gift guides. You can find the already published golf gift guides here.

We recently released several fall-themed apparel lists that include great gift ideas. If you’re looking to load up your wardrobe for fall, check out these fall apparel lists that we’ve already released: Best golf jackets | Best golf vests Best golf hoodies | Best long-sleeve polos | Best golf sweaters | Best golf quarter zips | Best fall golf apparel

Turtleson – Wallace Quarter-Zip Pullover

Turtleson Wallace Quarter-Zip Pullover
Turtleson Wallace Quarter-Zip Pullover (Turtleson)

Price: $137.50

Why you’ll love it: Turtleson is a brand that makes apparel that’s perfect for on and off the course. Whether it’s a round of 18 or a business meeting, Turtleson has you covered.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Turtleson Wallace Quarter-Zip Pullover” link=”https://turtlesonllc.sjv.io/xLLrZ1″]

Bad Birdie – The OC Performance Polo

Bad Birdie The OC Performance Polo
Bad Birdie The OC Performance Polo (Bad Birdie)

Price: $78

Why you’ll love it: If you like to show off colors and unique patterns on the golf course, Bad Birdie is the brand for you. Its styles are distinctive and eye-catching. This polo is one of the brand’s newest arrivals.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Bad Birdie The OC Performance Polo” link=”https://fave.co/4g6STko”]

Sun Day Red – Monterey Stripe Polo

Sun Day Red Monterey Stripe Polo
Sun Day Red Monterey Stripe Polo (Sun Day Red)

Price: $115

Why you’ll love it: Yes, we know this is Tiger Woods’ brand. How could it possibly be “up-and-coming”? Well, it debuted earlier this year, so we’re rolling with it. Plus, any golfer would love to have a piece from Tiger’s brand, so why not include it in this gift guide?

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Sun Day Red Monterey Stripe Polo” link=”https://sundayred.sjv.io/aOOjAR”]

Malbon Golf – Pathfinder Microfleece Hoodie

Malbon Golf Pathfinder Microfleece Hoodie
Malbon Golf Pathfinder Microfleece Hoodie (Malbon Golf)

Price: $168

Why you’ll love it: Malbon Golf creates apparel that is great for on and off the course. Its versatility is unmatched in the golf space. Plus, it’s worn by Jason Day (PGA Tour) and Charley Hull (LPGA).

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Malbon Golf Pathfinder Microfleece Hoodie” link=”https://fave.co/4inYm7K”]

Devereux Golf – Scorpion Cardigan

Devereux Golf Scorpion Cardigan
Devereux Golf Scorpion Cardigan (Devereux Golf)

Price: $114

Why you’ll love it: If your on-course style is — let’s say lacking — Devereux Golf is here to help. All its collections feature unique products that would instantly add some style to your wardrobe.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Devereux Golf Scorpion Cardigan” link=”https://devereux-golf.pxf.io/BnnOyy”]

Lululemon – ABC Slim-Fit Golf Trouser

Lululemon ABC Slim-Fit Golf Trouser
Lululemon ABC Slim-Fit Golf Trouser (Lululemon)

Price: $148

Why you’ll love it: Yes, Lululemon is one of the biggest brands in the world, so how can it be on this list? Well, most players don’t know they make golf clothes! Min Woo Lee rocks Lululmeon on the PGA Tour and its pants are ridiculously comfortable.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Lululemon ABC Slim-Fit Golf Trouser” link=”https://fave.co/4f5xYNb”]

Seamus Golf – Lab Headcover

Seamus Golf Lab Headcover
Seamus Golf Lab Headcover (Seamus Golf)

Price: $115

Why you’ll love it: Seamus Golf makes the best headcovers in the game. They have hundreds of styles, and each one is made with care. The quality is second to none.

[afflinkbutton text=”Seamus Golf Lab Headcover” link=”https://fave.co/4igmDwq”]

Radmor Golf – Hudson Recycled Vintage Jacquard Polo

Radmor Golf Hudson Recycled Vintage Jacquard Polo
Radmor Golf Hudson Recycled Vintage Jacquard Polo (Radmor Golf)

Price: $98

Why you’ll love it: If you want to upgrade your on-course style, Radmor Golf is the brand for you. From polos and hoodies to pants and hats, Radmor offers hundreds of styles that would all make great additions to any wardrobe.

[afflinkbutton text=”Radmor Golf Hudson Recycled Vintage Jacquard Polo” link=”https://fave.co/4imBcPa”]

True linkswear – All Day Knit 3

True linkswear All Day Knit 3
True linkswear All Day Knit 3 (True linkswear)

Price: $169

Why you’ll love it: True linkswear makes some of the best golf shoes on the market. They make everything from casual looks to classic silhouettes. This pair can be worn on and off the course, and they’re built for all-day comfort.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop True linkswear All Day Knit 3″ link=”https://fave.co/4ipCN6L”]

Public Rec – Gamechanger Pants

Public Rec Gamechanger Pants
Public Rec Gamechanger Pants (Public Rec)

Price: $128

Why you’ll love it: Once you try a pair of pants from Public Rec, you won’t want to wear anything else. They’re great for the course, running errands or a nice dinner.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Public Rec Gamechanger Pants” link=”https://fave.co/3VpqCgg”]

Bridgestone 220 MB, 221 CB, 222 CB+ irons

Bridgestone returns to the North American club market with three new forged irons made for low- and mid-handicap golfers.

Gear: Bridgestone 220 MB, 221 CB, 222 CB+ irons
Price: $1,050 with Nippon PRO Modus3 Tour 120 steel shafts (220 MB, 221 CB); $900 (222 CB+) with Nippon PRO 950 GH steel shafts.
Specs: Forged stainless steel
Available: December 2024

Who it’s for: Elite ball strikers, tour players and college golfers (220 MB); low single-digit handicap golfers seeking feel and control with a touch of forgiveness (221 CB); single-digit handicap players who want more height along with classic-iron looks.

What you should know: Bridgestone is reentering the iron and wedge market with forged offerings for accomplished golfers, ranging from a classic muscleback blade to a better-player’s cavity back to a dual-cavity iron for golfers with powerful, repeatable swings.

The deep dive: In North America, Bridgestone is best known as a leading golf ball brand and the maker of the Tour B X balls played by Tiger Woods. However, the Japanese company had stopped offering clubs in this market several years ago, focusing its club sales in Asia.

Now, Bridgestone is returning to the iron and wedge category with the launch of the 220 MB, 221 CB, and 222 CB+ irons, along with the BRM2 wedges.

Bridgestone 220 MB irons
Bridgestone 220 MB irons. (Bridgestone)

The 220 MB is a pure muscleback iron designed for players with powerful, repeatable swings. It prioritizes control and precision over power and forgiveness. The club features traditional lofts, with a 5-iron at 26 degrees and a pitching wedge at 46 degrees. Of the three models, the 220 MB has the thinnest topline, narrowest sole and least offset.

Bridgestone 221 CB irons
Bridgestone 221 CB irons. (Bridgestone)

The 221 CB offers a cavity-back design and, like the 220 MB, is forged from a single piece of stainless steel. Its 4-iron and 5-iron incorporate a dual pocket-cavity design that lowers the center of gravity, helping players hit higher, softer long-iron shots. The 6-iron through pitching wedge have varying center-of-gravity locations to optimize spin and improve control on approach shots.

Bridgestone 222 CB+ irons
Bridgestone 222 CB+ irons. (Bridgestone)

The 222 CB+ is the most forgiving of the three irons, featuring a dual pocket-cavity design throughout the set, not just in the long irons. This lowers the center of gravity and increases launch angles across all clubs. Bridgestone also added a slightly thicker area in the center of the face to soften feel. The 222 CB+ has a wider sole, which helps the irons glide more easily through the turf, particularly for players with steep swings.

Logan Olson Craft Batch No. 3 putters

Two days after partnering with TaylorMade, Logan Olson drops a new blade offering.

Gear: Logan Olson Craft Batch No. 3 putters
Price: $850 with KBS CT Putter Chrome shaft and leather grip
Specs: Milled 303 stainless steel (338-gram head weight) with 2.5 degrees of loft and a 70-degree lie angle. Lengths range from 33 to 37 inches.
Available: Dec. 5 

Who it’s for: Golfers with a taste for premium, modern craftsmanship and traditional blade-style putters — and the budget to indulge. 

What you should know: Logan Olson, now a partner with TaylorMade, continues to create small-batch putters for collectors, brand loyalists, and golfers who prioritize precision and craftsmanship. The Craft Batch No. 3 stands out with its unique “Flumber’s neck” hosel and milled grooves designed to enhance control and feel. 

The deep dive: Logan Olson has established himself as a premier artisan in the world of milled putters. His work, long admired by elite golfers and equipment aficionados, caught the attention of TaylorMade in recent years. After several tour players, including Scottie Scheffler, Nelly Korda, and Collin Morikawa, tested and used Olson putters in competition, TaylorMade forged a partnership with the Fortuna, California-based craftsman. 

Logan Olson Craft Batch No. 3
(David Dusek/Golfweek)

Despite his growing presence on the professional circuit, Olson remains committed to his small-batch roots. Craft Batch No. 3 is a prime example of his dedication to innovation and precision. This blade-style putter offers a unique take on hosel design with what Olson calls a “Flumber’s neck,” which combines elements of plumber’s and flow-neck hosels. The design not only creates a distinctive aesthetic but also enhances the ball’s visibility at address, aided by a thin black alignment line on the putter’s minimalist topline. 

Olson has also reimagined the sole design, milling a shallow channel through the heel and center to redistribute weight. By removing material from these areas, he shifts the center of gravity to the middle of the hitting area, ensuring better balance and control. 

Logan Olson Craft Batch No. 3
(David Dusek/Golfweek)

The face of the Craft Batch No. 3 features horizontal grooves that promote a smoother roll by minimizing skid at impact. This design is intended to give players confidence in both speed and line on the greens. 

The putters, which will be sold on loganolsonputter.com, come equipped with premium leather grips crafted by The Grip Master, available in seven colors. For golfers who prefer a rubber grip, Golf Pride’s Pro Only Red Star grips are offered in two colors and in corded or non-corded variations. 

Below are several close-up images of the Logan Olson Craft Batch No. 3 putter.

Tiger Woods’ Sun Day Red debuts first pair of golf shoes 40 million steps in the making

Check out the new shoes from Tiger Woods’ Sun Day Red, the Pioneer Cypress golf shoe.

Tiger Woods debuted his Sun Day Red brand earlier this year, and golfers around the world have been flocking to grab pieces of the 15-time major champion’s latest venture. SDR has been offering everything from polos and pants to hoodies and hats, but now it’s entered the shoe game.

On Wednesday, SDR’s Pioneer Cypress Shoes were made available to the public for the first time. The following is an excerpt from SDR’s website.

It has been estimated that Tiger has taken 40,000,000 steps on the course. The Sun Day Red Pioneer Cypress golf shoe is fueled by the unique insights only someone with 40,000,000 steps, 15 Majors and 82 career wins can bring. With Tiger’s direct input, Sun Day Red built the Pioneer Cypress from the ground up and from the inside out.

One of Tiger’s most important requests was that the shoe features a sleek 6mm heel to toe drop, allowing the golfer to leverage the power of ground force, while not sacrificing support. A premium full grain waterproof leather upper provides unmatched style and durability, while the Tiger Stripe deboss treatment in the heel pays homage to Tiger’s greatness. A golf shoe is only as good as its fit, with that in mind supple calf skin leather is used for the liner. When the day calls for 36 holes, the Pioneer Cypress answers with all-day comfort provided two removable footbed options. As Tiger is known to challenge any shot from any lie, the shoe is constructed with a high-density TPU full ground contact plate with a 9-cleat configuration to deliver supreme traction in all conditions.

The Pioneer Cypress Shoes are available in three colorways: White/Silver, Black/Silver and Gray/Navy. They’re priced at $250 per pair.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Sun Day Red’s Pioneer Cypress Shoes” link=”https://sundayred.sjv.io/4GGe2Z”]

Check out photos of all three pairs below.

Sun Day Red’s Pioneer Cypress Shoes

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Sun Day Red’s Pioneer Cypress Shoes” link=”https://sundayred.sjv.io/4GGe2Z”]

10 affordable golf gifts you can get for less than $50

Find a great gift for the golfer in your life without spending more than $50.

The holiday season can be an expensive time of year, so to help you save as much as possible, we’ve put together this gift guide of great golf gift ideas for less than $50.

Whether it’s golf balls, apparel items or accessories, we’ve included a bunch of options in this list. Some of the brands featured below include Caddy Splash, Titleist, TravisMathew, Yeti and more.

Keep your eyes open over the next few weeks as we release the rest of our 2024 golf holiday gift guides. You can find the already published golf gift guides here.

We recently released several fall-themed apparel lists that include great gift ideas. If you’re looking to load up your wardrobe for fall, check out these fall apparel lists that we’ve already released: Best golf jackets | Best golf vests Best golf hoodies | Best long-sleeve polos | Best golf sweaters | Best golf quarter zips | Best fall golf apparel

Caddy Splash – Golf Club Brush Cleaner

Caddy Splash Golf Club Brush Cleaner
Caddy Splash Golf Club Brush Cleaner (Amazon)

Price: $14.99 (down from $19.99)

Why you’ll love it: The Caddy Splash is the perfect tool to have on your golf bag. Keep your clubs incredibly clean with this genius device that comes at a great price.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Caddy Splash Golf Club Brush Cleaner” link=”https://www.amazon.com/Caddy-Splash-Water-Cleaner-Retractor/dp/B08X272XWT/ref=sr_1_4?tag=smgcontent-20″]

Pebble Beach – Textured Quarter Zip Pullover

Pebble Beach Textured Quarter Zip Pullover
Pebble Beach Textured Quarter Zip Pullover (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $49.99

Why you’ll love it: This pullover from Pebble Beach comes in at a great price and it’s extremely comfortable. It’s perfect for on and off the course.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Pebble Beach Textured Quarter Zip Pullover” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/WyyXaZ”]

Malbon Golf – Moose Nylon Rope Hat

Malbon Golf Moose Nylon Rope Hat
Malbon Golf Moose Nylon Rope Hat (Malbon Golf)

Price: $34

Why you’ll love it: Every golfer should own a piece from Malbon Golf and this hat comes at an unbeatable price for the up-and-coming brand.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Malbon Golf Moose Nylon Rope Hat” link=”https://malbon.com/products/m-8831-wht-white-moose-nylon-rope-hat”]

Srixon – Soft Feel Golf Balls

Srixon Soft Feel golf balls
Srixon Soft Feel golf balls (Dunlop)

Price: $22.99 per dozen, buy two dozen get a third dozen free

Why you’ll love it: Built for extra distance while not compromising the soft feel, these Srixon golf balls provide an excellent bang for your buck.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Srixon Soft Feel Golf Balls” link=”https://fave.co/3OGphy5″]

Titleist – Players Golf Glove

Titleist Players Golf Glove
Titleist Players Golf Glove (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $27.99

Why you’ll love it: Every golfer would love an extra glove in their bag, and they don’t get any better than Titleist’s Players glove.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Titleist Players Golf Glove” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/N99BWb”]

PGA Tour Apparel – Full Zip Micro Jacquard Vest

PGA Tour Apparel Full Zip Micro Jacquard Vest
PGA Tour Apparel Full Zip Micro Jacquard Vest (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $39.99

Why you’ll love it: Every golfer’s wardrobe needs a vest, and it’s rare to find a good one for less than $40. This vest from PGA Tour Apparel is available in three colors.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop PGA Tour Apparel Full Zip Micro Jacquard Vest” link=”*”]

Vice Golf – Drive Golf Balls

Vice Golf Drive Golf Balls
Vice Golf Drive Golf Balls (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $19.99 (two for $35)

Why you’ll love it: Vice continues to be one of the most popular brands of golf balls among amateur golfers and PGA TOUR Superstore is offering a great deal on Vice Drive Golf Balls.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Vice Golf Drive Golf Balls” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/APP0eN”]

FootJoy – ProDry Roll Tab Socks 2-Pack

FootJoy ProDry Roll Tab Socks 2-Pack
FootJoy ProDry Roll Tab Socks 2-Pack (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $19.99

Why you’ll love it: Say goodbye to blisters on the golf course with this pair of socks from FootJoy that protect your heel from rubbing against your shoes.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop FootJoy ProDry Roll Tab Socks 2-Pack” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/Vxxa9M”]

TravisMathew – Milk And Cookies Beanie

TravisMathew Milk And Cookies Beanie
TravisMathew Milk And Cookies Beanie (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $39.95

Why you’ll love it: Is there a better beanie for winter golf on the market than this one? It’s perfect.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop TravisMathew Milk And Cookies Beanie” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/zxxgGW”]

Yeti – Rambler 12 oz Colster Can Insulator

Yeti Rambler 12 oz Colster Can Insulator
Yeti Rambler 12 oz Colster Can Insulator (PGA TOUR Superstore)

Price: $25

Why you’ll love it: If the golfer you’re buying for enjoys a few beverages on the course, this is the perfect gift for them. It’s available in five colors.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Yeti Rambler 12 oz Colster Can Insulator” link=”https://pga-tour-superstore.pxf.io/3JJAKk”]

Scotty Cameron drops H24 Limited Phantom 9.2 putter

Scotty Cameron’s latest limited-edition putter was inspired by American muscle cars.

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”https://cdn5-fstl-tf.anyclip.com/X5ZQNY0Bw5FJFJUVa49m/1705996825012_248x140_thumbnail.jpg” playlistId=”undefined” content=”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”][/anyclip-media]

Some guys are into stylish watches and timepieces, while others are into wine, clothes, cycling or fishing. Scotty Cameron has been a car guy, especially American muscle cars. Over the years, names like Fastback (which is a name given to slant-back Mustangs) have been used for putters, and automobile-inspired visuals have been added to putters, as well.

Now comes the H24 Limited Phantom 9.2, a limited-edition mallet putter that will be offered for $900 at select Titleist-authorized shops on Dec. 13.

The H24 Limited Phantom 9.2 comes standard at 34.5 inches in length and with 3.5 degrees of loft and a 70-degree lie angle. The Phantom 9 head has been given a a plumber’s neck hosel that creates one shaft’s-width of offset.

The head itself is milled from 303 stainless steel, but a larger portion of the bottom has been milled out and then covered by a 6061 aircraft-grade aluminum sole plate.

Scotty Cameron H24 Limited Phantom 9.2 putter
The long orange line makes it easier to aim and alignment putts. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

What makes the H24 Limited Phantom 9.2 special are the tour-black finish and the little details that Cameron has added. On the dual-milled face, golfers will see racing stripes running across the Scotty Cameron logo, complementing the race-car inspired, triple-milled orange and gray sight lines on the crown. The 15-gram weights in the heel and toe have even been given laser-etched checkerboards that echo the flag waved as the winning car crosses the finish line. The whole package creates a look that Steve McQueen would have loved and that gearheads will gush for.

Below are some close-up looks at the H24 Limited Phantom 9.2 putter

TaylorMade acquires Logan Olson Putters, expands into high-end boutique market

To casual golfers, the Logan Olson brand may not be familiar.

In a move golf insiders have anticipated for nearly a year, TaylorMade Golf announced Tuesday it has acquired Logan Olson Putters. The deal brings Olson — known for its small-batch, artistically styled milled putters — under the TaylorMade umbrella as a sub-brand, much like Tiger Woods’ Sun Day Red apparel and lifestyle company. 

To casual golfers, the Logan Olson brand may not be familiar. However, the company has quietly developed a cult following among equipment enthusiasts and putter aficionados in recent years. When Olson releases putters, referred to as “batches,” quantities are limited, prices are steep (often $850 or more), and they tend to sell out fast. 

Who is Logan Olson?

Logan Olson, 27, will remain the principal designer for the putters bearing his name. His company is based in Fortuna, California, more than 700 miles north of TaylorMade’s headquarters in Carlsbad. While Fortuna may seem off the beaten path for golf equipment manufacturing, Olson has built a reputation for his high-quality, blade-style putters through word-of-mouth, social media, and relationships with PGA Tour and LPGA players. 

“It’s not every day you stumble upon someone like Logan. His ability to merge creativity with such a technical process is nothing short of remarkable. Whether you’re a professional on Tour, someone who plays the game for the sheer love of it, or even a collector with a keen eye for finely crafted putters, Logan’s creations embody a level of craftsmanship that resonates with golfers of all abilities,” said Brian Bazzel, TaylorMade’s vice president of product creation. 

Logan Olson
Logan Olson putters often have artistic details and refinements. (TaylorMade)

Why partner with TaylorMade?

The acquisition allows Olson’s company to benefit from TaylorMade’s operational and distribution channels, providing opportunities for growth. Additionally, Olson is expected to gain more access to feedback from TaylorMade’s staff players, further enhancing his designs. 

In a press release, TaylorMade stated Olson’s putters would be added to the company’s Tour Matrix offerings, which are brought to professional events for player fittings and feedback. 

Why does TaylorMade want Logan Olson Putters?

In the putter market, TaylorMade is known primarily for its mallets and multilateral offerings. The Spider series, in particular, has been a favorite of elite players, with major champions like Scottie Scheffler, Rory McIlroy, Nelly Korda, Jason Day, Dustin Johnson and Sergio Garcia winning tournaments with Spider models. 

While mallets have grown in popularity thanks to their forgiveness and stability, many top players still prefer milled blade putters. This category, dominated by brands like Scotty Cameron and Bettinardi, has proven elusive for TaylorMade despite previous efforts. 

Logan Olson
Logan Olson’s creations typically blend classic shapes with subtle but creative twists. (TaylorMade)

In the late 2000s, TaylorMade introduced the TP by Kia Ma line of milled stainless steel blades with Titallium face inserts, but the line was discontinued after a few years. In 2023, TaylorMade launched the TP Reserve line, which included milled blades and midsize mallets. However, these models have yet to make significant inroads on professional tours or in retail markets. 

By acquiring Logan Olson Putters, TaylorMade gains a boutique brand already trusted by elite players. In the past 18 months, Collin Morikawa, Scottie Scheffler and Nelly Korda have all used Olson putters in competition. 

Scottie Scheffler
Scottie Scheffler’s Olsen putter in 2023. (David Cannon/Getty Images)

What’s Next for Logan Olson Putters?

Olson’s signature “Craft Batch” putters are small-run releases blending classic designs with highly detailed machining and artistry. These putters, typically priced at $850 or more, are as much collector’s items as functional golf clubs. 

It’s expected that TaylorMade will eventually introduce a retail line of Logan Olson putters for specialty shops and golf stores. However, if prices remain in the Craft Batch range, sales will likely be limited to collectors and high-end buyers. 

A more likely scenario involves TaylorMade mass-producing Olson-inspired putters at premium ($400+) price points while allowing Olson to continue crafting limited-edition models for the ultra-premium market. 

For now, the acquisition marks a significant step for TaylorMade as it expands its presence in the high-end putter market, blending Olson’s artistry with the company’s manufacturing expertise.