Buckeye Battle Cry series: Best Ohio State football player to wear jersey No. 9

We have made it to No. 9 on our debate on the best Ohio State football player to wear specific jersey numbers. Who did our writers pick?

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Gotta be David Boston, right? I’ll preface that by saying I believe that Devin Smith is right there and made some absolute highlight-reel plays while at OSU and was a huge part of the 2014 national title run. However, I think what David Boston did over the course of his entire career gives him the edge.

Boston re-wrote the record books for wide receivers while at Ohio State which included receptions in a season, receptions in a game, receptions in a career, and more.

When I think of David Boston, two memories come to mind. One was catching the winning touchdown in the Rose Bowl as a freshman, and the other was going toe to toe with Charles Woodson. The first memory is a little better than the latter. Of course, Boston would get a bit of revenge against TTUN a year later.

David Boston did some things that made you go “wow!” and some others that made you go “what are you thinking?” But in the end, Boston is the best to ever wear the No. 9 in the scarlet and gray.

Next … Phil’s take