Big Ten football bowl and College Football Playoff tie ins, lineup, and dates for 2022-2023

To prepare you for the upcoming college football season, here is the complete Big Ten football bowl lineup, including the College Football Playoff.

The Big Ten has a rich, rich history in bowl games, and the expectations are that it will continue in 2022, or so we think.

Here at Buckeyes Wire, we keep the tradition going and give you a look at where we think all the teams in the conference will end up during the season on a weekly basis.

But before we can do that, we have to know what the bowl tie-ins and lineups are for the conference. Things more or less stay the same, but the dates of the games could change, and when there are new contracts, even the bowl game itself can differ from what we’ve seen in the past.

The scenarios can be very complicated with bowls’ preference of not hosing the same team in a period of time and even having enough teams eligible to fill out the slate, but we at least know where to start from.

Here is a complete look at the Big Ten bowl lineup and College Football Playoff dates and times for the 2022 season.