Bear Necessities: Roquan Smith, David Montgomery have different approaches to contract year

Roquan Smith and David Montgomery are both entering contract years with the Bears. But they couldn’t have more different approaches.

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Linebacker Roquan Smith and running back David Montgomery are both entering contract years with the Chicago Bears. But they couldn’t have more different approaches.

Smith recently ended his contract “hold-in” with the team after missing most of training camp as the two sides couldn’t agree on a contract extension. Smith, who doesn’t have an agent, requested a trade and publicly expressed his displeasure with the front office for how contract negotiations had shaken out.

When addressing the media, Smith shared his intentions to play out the remainder of his rookie deal and see where things go from here. But he also voiced his frustrations about the entire ordeal.

“I think it was just more so not coming to an agreement when I feel like I’ve busted my ass so long here and not being rewarded with something I thought was rightfully deserved,” Smith said Saturday. “In a sense it’s like, hey, you bust your ass, you may get rewarded in a sense. But hey, that’s that. I’m moving past it now and I’m focused on the season and going out there and enjoying the time with my guys because that’s who I truly care about.”

Meanwhile, Montgomery hasn’t batted an eye at the idea of negotiating a new contract. His focus remains on the upcoming season, and he believes things will work out the way they’re meant to.

“It’s going to take care of itself,” Montgomery continued later. “I ain’t really worried about that. I got bigger fish to fry. I’ve got a game coming up this week. I’m worried about that, not worried about a contract, none of that. Because at the end of the day I’m still just trying to play ball. I’m trying to play football and have fun doing that. Everything else will take care of itself. I’ve got no worries in the world.”

At this point, we don’t whether Smith and/or Montgomery will sign an extension with the Bears. And, despite their different approaches, both could wind up with the same outcome — be it re-signing in Chicago or departing in free agency.

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