Ballers & Busters for Raiders Week 12 vs Seahawks

Digging into the tape to give out some recognition for another hard-fought OT Raiders win in week 12


DC Patrick Graham

The defenders were putting in the work in this game to try and help the Raiders pull out this win. But too often the Seahawks were exploiting huge holes in the defensive scheme for big gains.

The second Seahawks possession saw the middle of the field wide open for Geno Smith to easily run for the field down with no one anywhere to be found. Smith was like ‘ok, well, if you’re just going to give it to me, I’m going to take it.’

In the second quarter, Deejay Dallas managed to leak out into the left flat completely unnoticed and uncovered. Again, Smith took was was gifted him and tossed it to Dallas to get nine yards and a first down out of it.

Twice in three plays to open the third quarter, a Seahawks receiver was wide open over the middle. First Tyler Lockett, then Maquis Goodwin, resulting in plays of 30 and 21 yards. Those are just inexcusable holes in the defense. The next play the Seahawks scored the touchdown to take a 27-24 lead.

If not for the Seahawks killing themselves on the fumbled handoff Chandler Jones fell on in the fourth quarter, they could easily have run away with this one in regulation. Even with the two takeaways, the Seahawks were able to put up 34 points. Due in large part to how often we saw those inexplicable wide open receivers and large expanses of open field with no defenders.