Ohio Stadium one of ten most hostile 2021 environments according to 247Sports

According to Brad Crawford of 247Sports, Ohio Stadium will be one of the most hostile environments during the 2021 college football season.

There are iconic stadiums in college football. Some are venerable because of the history and mystique, while others are because of their reputation for an intimidating crowd and environment. When you can marry the two with a great team, well — then you’re on to one heck of a home-field advantage.

There aren’t too many stadiums that have the combination of history, mystique, raucous potential, and talent on the field like Ohio Stadium, more affectionately known as the Horseshoe, or “Shoe” for short.

But maybe we’re biased. After all, most Ohio State fans grew up knowing and rooting for the Buckeyes on the banks of the Olentangy in that bid ‘ole stadium. Of course, you’ll get lists this time of year with opinions you can either take or leave, but it’s still good to get an unbiased and objective perspective.

OK. Well, we have one for you. Brad Crawford of 247Sports published a list of the ten most hostile environments in college football for 2021, and yes, Ohio Stadium made the cut. Where does Crawford have the Horseshoe on his list and what does he say about it?

NEXT … Ohio Stadium and its reputation per 247Sports