Watch: Browns schedule release reaction show

Watch: Browns schedule release reaction show with Browns Wire’s Jeff Risdon and Jared Mueller

The Cleveland Browns released their 2021 regular season schedule on Wednesday evening. Coming off an 11-win regular season in 2020, Browns fans were greatly anticipating the 2021 schedule release. It was leaked early in the day via, that the Browns won’t have to wait long for a big game as they will travel to Kansas City for an AFC Divisional Round rematch with the Chiefs in Week One (4:25 PM EST).

There is much to discuss when analyzing the 17 game 2021 Browns schedule. Late Wednesday night, I caught up with Managing Editor of The Browns Wire, Jared Mueller and Jeff Risdon of The Lions Wire and The Browns Wire, to break down the key points of the schedule. Can the Browns get off to a fast start? Where are the soft spots and difficult stretches in the schedule? Plus, a look at the bizarre three-week Ravens portion of the schedule and of course our predictions. Enjoy!