Meet Ta’Quon Graham, Texas’ versatile DL standout

Check out Draft Wire’s exclusive interview with Texas defensive line prospect Ta’Quon Graham

There seemingly isn’t a place along the defensive line that Texas’ Ta’Quon “T.Q.” Graham hasn’t played on.

A four-year contributor with two years of starting tape and 17.5 tackles for a loss in those two seasons, Graham has been a key cog in the Longhorns’ defense for quite some time. He was used in a variety of alignments, and no matter where he got lined up, he was able to make his presence felt on the game.

As he prepares for the 2021 NFL draft, Draft Wire had the chance to speak with Graham about his pre-draft process, the advantage his size and versatility brings him, playing at the Senior Bowl, and more.

JI: You got used in a lot of different alignments at Texas. Does that give you an advantage over other draft prospects?

TG: I think it gives me an advantage because I can play a lot of different spots on the line. They can say that I’m a smart enough player to know all the spots and be able to play all those different techniques and to execute all of them at a high level.

JI: Talking with NFL teams, is there a consensus as to where they’d like you to play at the next level?

TG: I think predominantly, it would be 3-technique.

JI: If you had to choose a go-to move in your pass-rushing arsenal, what would you think it would be?

TG: I think it would probably have to be something to do with a stab of some sorts, something working off of that.

Brett Rojo-USA TODAY Sports

JI: Does your powerful frame give you an advantage when you’re pulling a stab move like that?

TG: I like to go to the stab because of how long I am; I have really long arms. They keep people outside of my frame. I don’t let people get into my chest, so I like using the long-arm, and I think it helps me feel the pressure that the lineman brings back on me and see what kind of moves I can counter off of them then.

JI: You’ve gone up against some tough competition in the Big 12, especially moving around the field as much as you have. Who is the toughest offensive lineman you’ve ever had to go up against?

TG: I’d have to say probably [former Oklahoma and current Baltimore Ravens tackle] Orlando Brown, my freshman year. I had played my true freshman year, and I went up against Orlando Brown, and he was a tough opponent. It was really hard to get around him; he was so big and massive. He’s definitely one of the top guys I’ve gone up against.

JI: He’s been killing it at the NFL level. Does seeing guys you’ve gone up against succeeding in the pros make you think, ‘If they can do well, so can I?”

TG: Yeah, and you kind of want to see everybody from the conference do well, as well as your own team. Those guys doing well, it’s just a bonus because you used to go against them, you used to compete at a high level. It motivates you to do what they’re doing.

Scott Wachter-USA TODAY Sports

JI: Speaking of tough competition, you went to the Senior Bowl in January. How was that experience, and what was it like to be down there, working and talking with NFL coaches and scouts?

TG: The whole overall experience, I think it was pretty fun. I’m glad that I got to be around all those guys, around all the top guys. Those guys you see . . . you play college football, so you’re watching other college football games and see all these great players making plays. And now, to see some of these guys in person, I thought that was pretty cool, just to talk to guys like that: some of the top talent in the nation. I feel like that was pretty important to get that feel for everybody across the nation.

I thought it was a good experience to get coached by an NFL staff; you kind of get a taste for the league, right there. I definitely felt like it benefitted all of us to get that experience.

JI: Looking back on your performance, how do you feel you did?

TG: I’m definitely pleased with my performance. I definitely feel like I helped with my draft stock, but of course, there are things I feel I could’ve done better. Overall, I’m pretty happy with it.

JI: Your head coach at Texas, Tom Herman, got hired as an offensive analyst for the Bears this offseason. What kind of coach are they getting in him?

TG: It’s kind of crazy; they’ll be getting an offensive genius. He’s a really talented play-caller. I’ve been seeing some of the things he did at [Houston] and past places like Ohio State. Just to get that offensive mind in their corner, I think it’s a great addition.

(Photo by Tim Warner/Getty Images)

JI: How do you like to spend your free time outside of football?

TG: I live in Austin, Texas, so it’s a pretty cool place. There are a lot of things to do in this city. I’m kind of a little foodie, just from trying different restaurants and things like that. Honestly, I’m pretty laid back; I don’t have many hobbies, but I do like to try new food places. I do like to try different things with my teammates, my friends, and all of them.

JI: What are some of your favorite spots to grab a bite in Austin?

TG: One of my favorite breakfast spots – it’s probably one in a million – it’s this Tex-Mex place. They have this big burrito called the Don Juan, and I get the same thing every time. It’s really, really good.

JI: Let’s say I’m an NFL general manager. What would I be getting if I drafted you to my team?

TG: I think you’d be getting a pretty good value player, wherever I get picked. I feel like I’m going to be someone who keeps getting better, and I’m someone that’s going to represent the organization well, and I’m just going to be an overall great pro.

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