Big Ten teams either all in or all out according to Wisconsin Chancellor

Wisconsin Chancellor Rebecca Blank said Big Ten teams are either all in or all out in regards to a fall football season Monday.

It’s Monday of a new week, and that means it’s time to pour some more gasoline on the Big Ten dumpster fire that’s been blazing for about five weeks now.

We won’t hash all that’s happened to date because if you’re here, you’re already there, but the latest conflicting reports have to do with some teams opting out of any conference football season that might finally, mercifully, get off the ground in the fall.

There have been reports from sources claiming that some Big Ten teams might opt-out and allow others to play. There have also been reports that all of the teams will be a part of the fun or no season at all.

So what’s the truth? How about we go to someone that has some skin in the game and not from a source to find out? Wisconsin Chancellor Rebecca Blank tried to put it all the speculation to bed — at least on that point — during a teleconference on Monday.

“I will say we’re all going to move in the Big Ten,” Blank said. “We’re all going to play or not if we possibly can. This isn’t going to be a school by school thing.”

A couple of things on this. First and foremost, this is just one of the Big Ten leader’s perspective. She may believe it while others do not. She might be one of the presidents or chancellors pushing for an all or nothing proposition. We just don’t know.

But perhaps more importantly, the fact that quotes like these are still coming out means that this optimism that we were going to get to a vote and have the Big Ten back on the field soon is clearly not a slam dunk. There are still some things going on behind the scenes, and we just have to wait to see how it all plays out when the dust settles.

And by the way, settled dust is the best kind of dust in my opinion.

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