Official Big Ten statement on postponement of 2020 fall football season

The Big Ten has officially announced the decision to shelve college football for fall 2020 and to try and move it to the spring of 2021.

In case you haven’t heard, after several reports and back and forth debating apparently, the Big Ten has officially made the decision to shelve the 2020 fall college football season for Ohio State and its 13 other member programs.

And while that’s not the news most of wanted to hear, there is a pandemic still gripping the country, and the abundance of caution can’t be overstated in these sorts of things.

The news was swift after a president’s meeting Tuesday morning. Shortly after, early this afternoon, the Big Ten release its official notice that we have for you here. We’ll have more on this throughout the next couple of days, but for now, it’s important to also understand that the conference is going to try its best to move the season to the spring.

We shall see.

Next … The complete Big Ten statement on the fall season