9 takeaways from Bills’ Brandon Beane at the NFL Combine

Nine takeaways from Buffalo Bills general manager Brandon Beane at the 2020 NFL Combine.

Buffalo Bills general manager Brandon Beane. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

How he talks to prospects at combine

Wrapping it up, how does Beane get to know prospects at the combine? Always an interesting thought. Most football fans have heard stories of teams asking players beyond ridiculous questions, just to see how they’ll react. Maybe Beane does that, but he said he sticks to X’s and O’s.

“It’s huge,” Beane said of meeting prospects at the combine. “For me, the interview, getting these guys in a setting that they can’t predict.

“For me, we get on the [white] board or put on film, just to see how these guys respond. Do they take ownership of a mistake that happened on a play? Why didn’t you do this or…? Just seeing their knowledge, ‘what coverage is that?’ See where they’re at. What personnel group? And find out a little bit aobut them, where they’re at, their love for the game. We ask some questions about, when did you start playing football? What attacts you [to football]? What excites you the most about the NFL? Is it money? Is it whatever? We get into a lot of things.”

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