8 things to know about new Bills OL Daryl Williams

Even after the first wave of free agency, the Buffalo Bills couldn’t resist continuing to add familiar players, as the team inked offensive lineman Daryl Williams to a one-year deal. In Williams, the Bills add a low risk and potentially high reward …

Panthers offensive tackle Daryl Williams. Credit: Bob Donnan-USA TODAY Sports

Versatile lineman

Like plenty of his new teammates, Williams provides the Bills with a versatile in his game. Prior to last season, he played the majority of his NFL career at right tackle. But the Panthers’ offensive line and Williams himself suffered injuries, so he was moved around the line.

In total, he played in 412 snaps at left guard and another 218 at right guard. He also played both left and right tackle, appearing 173 snaps and 45 at those positions, respectively.

In regard to preference, Williams gave some insight into that in September, telling The Athletic it’s the right side he prefers.

“I’m just a right dominant guy, so being on the right side in general is just easier for me,” Williams said in regard to being moved to right guard from left tackle at the time.

Although, he also said during the training camp prior to last season that he’s willing to play anywhere on the line.