8 things to know about new Bills LB AJ Klein

Things to know about the Buffalo Bills’ newest linebacker, AJ Klein.

Saints outside linebacker A.J. Klein. Credit: Bob Donnan-USA TODAY Sports

Adoption parent

Like many in the NFL, Klein is a father. But not just that, he’s an adopted father to his son, Cannon. Speaking to WDSU-TV while in New Orleans, said he was hesitant about the idea but his wife, Taylor, convinced him otherwise and he’s now very glad she did.

“She always said ‘hey, I think I want to adopt.’ Me, at first I was just like eh, ‘I’m not sure. Like, OK, we’ll talk about it,'” Klein said. “I didn’t think I could love a child that’s not biologically mine and I love him more than words can express.”

Klein and his wife also have a daughter, Bowie. Of course an adoption process takes time, but the two ideas overlapped as Cannon came into his life just six months before his daughter was born. Click here to hear about Klein’s full story through his own words via WDSU.

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