8 takeaways from Bills GM Brandon Beane

Takeaways from Buffalo Bills general manager Brandon Beane during 2020 training camp.

Buffalo Bills general manager Brandon Beane gave a brief press conference over the weekend. The Bills had an odd situation as the team was involved in the false positive coronavirus result issue in the NFL.

But along with addressing that, Beane also touched on a few other Bills-related topics during his surprise presser. With that, here are eight quick takeaways from Beane’s weekend comments:

Bright side

The Bills had that odd scare this weekend as their roster was affected by the same lab in New Jersey that 10 or 11 other teams in the NFL were connected to. As the Bills took to the practice field Sunday, there were a couple guys missing. Among that crew missing was quarterback Josh Allen. The reasoning was a lab, that was running COVD-19 test results, sent false positives to numerous teams in the league. That means it showed guys had it, but they didn’t.

It’s unfortunate that a couple players on the Bills had to miss a practice. It could’ve been worse, though. What if it happened on a game day? Speaking of which, Beane said that’s how the team approached the situation, calling it a good practice of sorts for the Bills in case there were a few positive COVID-19 results sent to them before during the regular season.

“Yeah, it’s a good fire drill,” Beane said. “Guys that are running with the twos are now running with the ones… it’ll give guys a chance to step up in those particular positions.”

“And what if this happened on game day? How would we respond? Obviously it can change game plans,” Beane added.