6 things that need to be addressed before a 17 game schedule becomes a reality

(AP Photo/Mark LoMoglio) The 17-game regular season has come up in football circles again since the collective bargaining agreement is in its last year. The players have constantly stated they are against making the regular season any longer. The …

Credit: Douglas DeFelice-USA TODAY Sports


We talking about practice. One major explanation for the reduction in quality of play earlier in the season– especially of offensive linemen — is there simply isn’t enough practice. Well, if the league is adding another game, the players should want even fewer practices. That’s how this works. They shouldn’t have to grind their body to a pulp in padded practices if they are going 100 percent full bore for another game. That’s why it’s not just as starting the season earlier. Teams need more time to practice, but also can’t be grinding players down with physical sessions. That means more learning, more tape time, more mental reps. It may not be the same as a live practice, but it will have to do to protect the players’ health.