6 things that need to be addressed before a 17 game schedule becomes a reality

(AP Photo/Mark LoMoglio) The 17-game regular season has come up in football circles again since the collective bargaining agreement is in its last year. The players have constantly stated they are against making the regular season any longer. The …

(Mark Konezny-USA TODAY Sports)

Roster expansion

We’ve been saying this for a while now anyway. Rosters aren’t big enough. It creates situations where teams have to put unprepared players onto the field. That makes for a bad product. With 17 regular-season games, the NFLPA has the leverage to get more players on the roster and they could argue that practice squads should be expanded as well. This gets more players getting paid to play professional football. It also expands union membership. This means more money needs to go the players — as in a higher percentage of football-related income needs to go to the players — and that needs to be explained in negotiations.