6 things that need to be addressed before a 17 game schedule becomes a reality

(AP Photo/Mark LoMoglio) The 17-game regular season has come up in football circles again since the collective bargaining agreement is in its last year. The players have constantly stated they are against making the regular season any longer. The …

Credit: Vincent Carchietta-USA TODAY Sports

Health and wellness and bye weeks

I don’t know if you’ve heard about this, but the NFL has made a big deal about the health and wellness of players. They’ve changed rules. They are more aware of the effects of concussions on the short term and long term health of the league’s players. It’s kind of important . . . or so they say.

If it’s important then the league needs to add an extra bye week to the season. That’s right. Two bye weeks for everyone. That may throw a wrench into . . .