6 Jets who should be considered for the protected practice squad

The Jets will be allowed to keep six players on their practice squad from signing with other teams this season.

(Bruce Thorson-USA TODAY Sports)

CB Lamar Jackson

Jackson, like Campbell, is an undrafted rookie teeming with potential but unlikely to make the team given the number of experienced players ahead of him on the depth chart. There’s a chance he ekes out a spot, though, if injuries befall the secondary again or if another player falls out of favor. The more likely scenario is a trip to the practice squad.

The Jets would be wise to protect Jackson to ensure their secondary remains intact throughout the season. Besides Pierre Desir and Brian Poole, the entire cornerback group is inexperienced and all could disappoint this season. Arthur Maulet and Bless Austin proved this past season that Gregg Williams can coach up young players quickly, and Jackson would be an easier beneficiary of that if the Jets make sure no other team can scoop him up.