5 Alabama players who could impact the Iron Bowl

5 Alabama players who could impact the Iron Bowl!

It’s hard to believe that we have made it to the last week of the regular season in college football. Like most seasons, it has completely flown by and we are all wondering where the time went.

On the more optimistic side, the last week of the season generally renews some of the nation’s most intense rivalries. Maybe the most intense of all is the annual matchup between the Alabama Crimson Tide and the Auburn Tigers, in a contest known as the Iron Bowl.

With kickoff just a few short hours away, I thought we could take a look at five Alabama players who could make an impact on the outcome of the game. This week I am doing things a little differently. My list will not include the likes of Bryce Young or Will Anderson Jr., not because they won’t be impactful, but those guys are obvious choices and I wanted to dig a little deeper!

Let’s get started!