2024 NFL Mock Draft: Post-Super Bowl first-round projections

Super Bowl LVIII is in the books, which means that it’s time to whiplash back to the 2024 NFL draft, and this particular first-round mock.

There is no rest for Brett Veach or John Lynch. The Kansas City Chiefs’ general manager and the San Francisco 49ers’ general managers just got through Super Bowl LVIII — to greater or lesser effect — and now, it’s time to turn back to the thoughts of draft prospects.

Because the scouting combine starts on February 29, and the talks with other general managers and personnel executives begin before then. Of course, all 32 teams have been working on their draft plans for months already — again, to greater or lesser effect — but now, it’s time to get back to that particular grind.

Here’s one first-round projection for how things might go for all 32 first-round picks in the 2024 NFL draft.

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