Yankees pitcher Tommy Kahnle furiously stomped on a dugout fan after a poor performance and MLB fans had jokes

The Yankees are in a real bad way right now.

The New York Yankees are in a real bad way right now.

On Wednesday, the Yankees lost their fourth-straight game — a 7-3 defeat at the hands of the Los Angeles Angels — and sit dead last in the AL East thanks to this recent slide. Things are getting testy between Yankees players and fans too, as earlier in Wednesday’s game, starter Carlos Rodon blew a kiss to fans behind the dugout who were booing him.

And now, the Yankees are taking their frustrations out on … cooling fans. Coming back into the dugout after allowing one run and two walks in an inning, relief pitcher Tommy Kahnle smashed a cooling fan in frustration due to his performance.

Even though Kahnle only allowed one run of the seven the Angels scored, it never feels good to have a mediocre performance on a struggling team. Plus, after a great start to the season, Kahnle has allowed runs in his last three appearances for the Yankees. Not what you want to see with the whole team in a slump.

Baseball fans, however, had quite a few jokes to make about Kahnle stomping a cooling fan in frustration amidst more Yankees woes.