X’s and O’s: Lincoln Riley’s scripted 2020 opening drives

in 2020 the Sooners awed in the first half with a high-powered offense. Here is a look back at Lincoln Riley’s scripted opening drives

In the age of wristbands and iPads, Lincoln Riley’s old school white sheet of paper has led to unparalleled success for the Sooners. His scripted opening drives throughout the 2020 season were a thing of beauty. Riley’s high-tempo offense to begin drives carved up opposing defenses. OU outscored opponents 134-17 in the first quarter during the year.

Whether it was a reverse, a guard/tackle counter pull by the offensive line, or a play-action fake, Riley created a complimentary game plan week-after-week. He always had a trick up his sleeve.

With a young team in 2020, not every early possession ended in a positive note as players matured on the field. But regardless of the outcome, Riley awed with his innovative play calls.

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Here is a look back through the 2020 season at every Oklahoma opening possession.