‘X’ Factors: USA TODAY High School Sports Stars of the Week

The USA TODAY High School Sports staff unveils the Stars of Week 11.

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A free kick for the win in California; the “Annexation of Puerto Rico” makes a perfect appearance during the Ohio playoffs; a big-time Texas upset has one QB shining; Bryce Underwood being Bryce Underwood; and Darius Curry ties Jordan Love’s HS record.

Let’s give a standing-O to the following USA TODAY HSS Stars of the Week:

– Ezra Johnson, Chaparral (Calif.)

– D.J. Bailey, DeSoto (Texas)

Darius Curry, Long Beach Poly (Calif.)

– Bryce Underwood, Belleville (Mich.)

– Offense, Olentangy Liberty (Ohio)


Did the refs miss an obvious call in DeSoto’s upset of Duncanville?

Watch: Dylan Raiola balls out (once again)