WWE Payback 2023 results: Becky Lynch finally gets the best of Trish Stratus inside a Steel Cage

See how Becky Lynch prevailed over Trish Stratus (and Zoey Stark) in their Steel Cage match at WWE Payback.

While both wrestlers enter the cage, NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton is shown in the crowd. Trish Stratus rushes for the door right away, but it’s wishful thinking for her to escape. Becky Lynch rams her face into the cage repeatedly, then hits a couple of Becksploder suplexes in a row.

Stratus buys herself a second by slinging Lynch to the mat by her hair, then tries to climb the cage. Lynch meets her on the top rope but gets thrown into the steel after stopping Trish from ascending higher.

Clearly enjoying herself, Trish rubs Becky’s face across the stage and grabs a double leg for a slam. Both women score quick near falls that don’t really look like they have any chance of ending it.

In a fun bit, Lynch picks up Stratus battering ram styles and runs her into the cage, shoulder-high. That leads to another two count, and when Lynch can’t get the Disarm-her applied, she settles for a leg drop when Trish tries to Matrix out of the way.

An exchange of blows goes Stratus’ way, then they end up fighting along the cage. Trish ends up sprawled across the top rope, where Becky drops a leg across the back of her neck for a longer two count.

Stratus has a big welt forming on her forehead, but she’s able to handstand into Lynch on the top turnbuckle, where they trade shots until Trish decides to climb over her foe. Becky has to hustle to grab her, which she does emphatically with a powerbomb and yet another near fall.

Trish shows her power by getting Becky lifted overhead, dropping down hard for a Widow’s Peak for two. Not to be outdone with the homages, Lynch responds with a Twist of Fate that earns two right back.

After Lynch appears to tweak her knee, Trish hits Stratusfaction for the closest they’ve come so far to ending it. Now Stratus has thoughts of escape again and nearly makes it to the top of the cage, and the two foes battle down to the top rope and into a big bulldog that nearly finishes Lynch again … but not quite.

Both women make it to the top of the cage, and Trish even makes it over to the other side before Becky grabs her. Stratus ends up upside-down for a second, and Lynch finally manages to pull her back in for a big superplex. Lynch covers but sees Stratus get the shoulder up at the last split second.

Becky wants to climb but stops as she sees Trish going for the door. Zoey Stark arrives and tries to pull her mentor out, and though Lynch wins the tug of war, Stark intervenes directly after a Manhandle Slam makes it look like Becky has it won.

Stark floors Lynch, but Becky pops up and hits Zoey with a Manhandle Slam. With Trish climbing again, Becky grabs her and uses a very high Manhandle Slam to plant her foe and finally get the three count.

After the match, Stark and Stratus discuss what just happened, with Trish slapping Zoey. Instead of leaving as ordered, however, Stark closes the cage door and hits Trish with the Z-360 before taking off her “Thank You Trish” shirt.