WrestleMania 39 results: Edge slays The Demon inside Hell in a Cell

Edge and “The Demon” Finn Balor entered Hell in a Cell at WrestleMania 39. Get full details on what went down.

INGLEWOOD, Calif. — There was little doubt these two men would pull out all the stops with their entrances for this one, and they do not disappoint. Edge has Slayer playing before his normal music hit and graphics that proclaims him as Edge Brood. Finn Balor, as expected, reverts to his old music as The Demon, complete with purple smoke billowing from handheld cannisters as he walks down the ramp.

After the bell rings, both men look for and use weapons, with Balor getting the better of their exchange and beating Edge outside along the cage. Back in the ring, Edge knocks The Demon off the apron and into the steel.

With a kendo stick in hand, Edge batters Balor and tosses him into the cage. He grabs more kendo sticks to trap Balor in the corner of the cell, leaping from the apron for a dropkick.

Going under the ring again, Edge gets the fans to cheer as he locates and pulls out a table. He returns for Balor but ends up getting beaten down and hurled into the steel steps.

Balor’s chops get the fans to whooo, but he walks into an ambush by Edge that includes an Impaler DDT. Balor responds with a Sling Blade, and his dropkick sends Edge all the way back out into the cage. A second dropkick on the outside knocks Edge back through the table that had been sitting out there.

Chairs come into play, with Edge able to boot Balor in the face and hit the Killswitch when they return to the ring. An inside cradle almost wins it for Balor, and he also kicks out at one when Edge responds.

The crowd responds again as Edge hauls out a ladder, clocking The Demon by throwing it into Edge’s face. The referee stops the action because Balor is bleeding, busted open from that ladder shot. The fans aren’t happy about that and the broadcast won’t show how badly Balor is bleeding.

Edge takes the time to look for even more weapons, but The Demon catches him off guard by roaring back into action. Edge goes for a spear but hits the ladder set up in the corner, and Balor covers for two.

There’s a Sling Blade from Balor, and he climbs up top for the Coup de Grace. He covers but Edge is able to kick out at two.

The Demon decides to climb the ladder still up in one corner, but Edge intercepts him with a kendo stick. Edge leaps and slams Balor’s face into the mat with an Impaler, but this time it’s The Demon’s turn to kick out at two.

Edge looks for and finds another table and brings it into the ring. He sets it up but turns right into kendo stick shots. Balor puts Edge on the table and wears him off with chair shots. The Demon climbs again but decides the turnbuckles aren’t high enough, and heads higher on the cage. A Coup de Grace is on the way, but Edge moves and Balor goes through on his own.

A spear connects for Edge, and an incredulous look crosses his face when The Demon kicks out at two. He grabs a kendo stick for more shots, and more from a chair too.

A roar goes up when the fans realize Edge is pondering a Con-chair-to, and he hits it before flipping Balor over. The three count is made, and Edge is triumphant.