World of Warcraft Eternity’s End interview – release date, content and the future of Shadowlands

We sat down with game director Ion Hazzikostas and senior-level designer Sara Wons to chat about the upcoming changes.

World of Warcraft’s 9.2 Eternity’s End patch will bring a new zone, a new raid, new class-specific armor tier sets and new systems for players to try out. It could also mark a potential end to the game’s content drought. We spoke to game director Ion Hazzikostas and senior-level designer Sara Wons about the upcoming changes.

The content update doesn’t have a release date yet, but Hazzikostas tells USA Today that it will hit the Public Test Realm for players to jump into as soon as this week.

The new zone of Zereth Mortis is more than double the size of Korthia, the last zone introduced in the 9.1 patch. While it offers a knowledge system, where players collect bits of information around the game world to unlock new features, content and abilities, it will be  “not remotely as grindy” as Korthia was, Hazzikostas tells us.

“I think we’re also being very mindful of the sorts of things that are earned in the system – types of power that may feel mandatory to certain play styles, and also what that looks like from a catch-up perspective, an alt-friendliness perspective,” he continues.