Wink Martindale already frustrating Giants’ offense in practice

Wink Martindale and his defense frustrated the New York Giants offense on their first day of a three-day mandatory minicamp.

The New York Giants opened their mandatory three-day minicamp on Tuesday and it was not a stellar start for the team’s offense.

Despite looking solid in OTAs, the Giants’ offense took a step back as they struggled to contend with Wink Martindale’s elaborate and aggressive schemes.

“You know, Wink came out with some Wink stuff today. I think the defense won today. You know, we’ll be able to grow from it,” center Jon Feliciano told reporters. “Let me tell you, going against Wink’s defense is going to be great for us in the long run, but I’m not going to lie to you if it doesn’t get frustrating sometimes, you know what I’m saying? Which is great, but not right now.

“I mean, you have Julian Love on the frickin’ line of — sorry — in the A gap as a safety playing linebacker. There is so many people that are playing in positions that you don’t expect them to play in. It gets a little hard when you have to identify and you’re not actively scheming for it like leading up to the week.”

Daniel Jones and the other quarterbacks were under consistent pressure on just about every snap. It was a promise Martindale had made prior to practice.

“Today he wasn’t lying today when he said he got something special. It’s going to be great for us,” Feliciano said of Martindale.

“We’re seeing a lot looks for the first time. I think our defense does a good job mixing up pressures and bringing guys from different spots,” quarterback Daniel Jones added.

That’s good news for the Giants defensively, but not so much offensively. Protection and blocking issues have been their Achilles heel for years and Feliciano knows that Jones can only go as far as the offensive line allows.

“I think that’s our job up front is to give him his time. That dude can put the ball wherever he wants to put it. He just needs time,” he said.

The Giants’ offense will get their second crack at Martindale and his defense on Wednesday.

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