Why Trevor Bauer mimed drinking a beer after a strikeout

Bauer celebrated a Reds record with some miming.

Cincinnati Reds pitcher Trevor Bauer is known for speaking his mind on social media and doing quirky stuff like attempting to wear “Free Joe Kelly” cleats.

Add one more thing to that list: on Monday, he struck out a Milwaukee Brewers hitter and mimed chugging a beer. He also drew “BUDS” into the mound dirt with his foot.

What’s up with that? Well, it all started with a Bauer tweet: earlier this month, Bauer saw his teammate Sonny Gray had set a Reds record by striking out 45 hitters through five appearances in 2020. He tweeted, “hold my beer,” indicating he would try to best that:

Budweiser stepped in to up the ante:

“Challenge accepted!”

Back to Monday night, when Bauer struck out his 45th batter of the season and drew on the mound:

Strikeout No. 46 resulted in the mimed chug:


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