Why Marvel (and Black Panther 2) fans should tune into Howard vs. Alabama State

ESPN’s broadcast of the season-opening HBCU football game will feature special previews of an upcoming Marvel film.

The first Saturday of college football is just hours away and while there aren’t many traditionally high-profile games on the schedule in what’s being deemed “Week 0”, ESPN’s primetime game on Saturday night will be appointment viewing for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Disney-owned ESPN is using this year’s MEAC/SWAC Challenge Kickoff game between Howard and Alabama State to promote its upcoming Marvel blockbuster Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, creating some cool opportunities to showcase both the film and HBCU football on a huge stage.

In addition to promising preview clips of the film, ESPN will also be incorporating elements of the film into both the broadcast and the in-stadium experience at Center Parc Stadium in Atlanta, including free posters for the first 15,000 fans at the stadium.

Come for our first new look at the film since that incredible trailer, stay for the uniquely wonderful tradition that is HBCU football.

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