Who’s to blame for Bears’ offensive struggles this season? Everyone.

There hasn’t been just one thing that’s doomed the Bears’ offense. It’s been a plethora of factors that have contributed to their struggles.

Lack of run game

Scott Taetsch/Getty Images

The blame for the nonexistent run game can be split two ways: Between Matt Nagy’s aversion to running the ball and the offensive line’s inability to run block. If you’re looking for reasons why the Bears offense has floundered this season, it’s because they haven’t been able to run the football. Contrary to Nagy’s belief, running the ball opens up the passing game and takes a lot of the pressure off your young quarterback by presenting a balanced front.

In the games where the Bears committed to the run — running the ball 20+ times — they’ve gone 7-4. For a team that used to get off the bus running, it’s been a struggle to find any semblance of offensive rhythm when this team can’t — and won’t — run the ball.