Where would Browns pick if 2023 NFL Draft was today?

Where would the Cleveland Browns pick in the 2023 NFL Draft if the event was today?

It feels like deja vu, but if the 2023 NFL Draft were today, the Cleveland Browns would be picking with the 44th overall pick (according to Tankathon), with the Houston Texans selecting 13th overall with their first round pick. Just like last year.

After stacking back-to-back wins, the Browns have not only seen their playoff odds rise up a bit, but their draft pick is dropping as well. With no first round pick, their first pick has risen to as high as the mid-30s, but as the Browns are finding some success, that pick is dropping back toward the middle of round two.

With plenty of holes to fill, the Browns could go in a variety of directions. The most popular selection is defensive tackle, but offensive tackle remains a need, while defensive end and wide receiver could use a top-end body as well. There is still plenty of time to go, but it will be interesting to see what the Browns do.

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