‘Wheel of Fortune’ fans are thrilled this contestant is finally getting the Audi she missed out on

Charlene is getting her car, y’all.

Wheel of Fortune had a lot of fans mad this week on the internet.

Charlene, a contestant who went on the show earlier in the week, missed out on winning an Audi Q3 because of a technicality on the show.

She had to solve a final puzzle to win the car and she actually did it. She solved the puzzle. But she didn’t string the sentence together properly enough to win, according to host Pat Sajak.

The phrase was “Choosing the right word.” Charlene initially said “Choosing the right card” instead but corrected it before the timer ran out. The issue was she took a slight pause before saying “word” and finishing the sentence. So she didn’t win. That’s why fans were livid this week.

But there’s hope yet. Audi tweeted that they found Charlene and are giving her the car she deserves.

Good on them. That’s an easy win. Sure, it’s a brand thing. And we probably shouldn’t give Audi too much credit for this. But this was absolutely the right thing to do.

People were thrilled to see this.

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