What’s Orlando Brown Jr.’s trade value?

We use two previous trades for top left tackles to determine what Orlando Brown’s trade value is for the Baltimore Ravens.

Baltimore Ravens tackle Orlando Brown Jr. wants to be traded this offseason. After notching his second Pro Bowl nomination in three years and filling in quite well for the injured Ronnie Stanley, Brown is adamant he’s a left tackle and wants to go where a team will start him there. But what is Brown’s trade value?

Top tackles don’t typically get traded, which makes it a lot harder to truly determine Brown’s value right now. As we’ve seen with some deals over the years, teams will occasionally find a sucker who overpays by quite a bit. But for every one of those instances, there are plenty of others where teams play hardball and a player’s public outcries lower the price dramatically.

However, there are two trades over the last two offseasons that I believe will define the ceiling and floor of what the Ravens are looking for in return here. Let’s take a closer look at them and what that means for Brown’s trade value right now.