What is LIV Golf? What you need to know about the upstart series that’s changing professional golf

Everything you need to know as the upstart series prepares for its second event.

NORTH PLAINS, Ore. — You see it on the signage lining the walkway as soon as you pass through the gates of a LIV Golf Invitational Series event: 48 players, 12 teams, 54 holes, no cuts, shotgun starts.

At the surface level, that’s the selling point for the Greg Norman-led and Saudi Arabia-funded golf circuit that’s challenging the PGA Tour and shaking up professional golf as we know it. Well, that and multi-million dollar offers with the likes of a reported $200 million for Phil Mickelson.

With the second LIV Golf event scheduled to start Thursday at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club, we thought it’d be a good time to break down what we know about the new series.