Watch: Zoo visitor dresses like penguin, makes new friend

A woman who dressed in tuxedo colors during a recent visit to the Cincinnati Zoo acquired a “new pal” at a penguin exhibit.

A woman who dressed in tuxedo colors during a recent visit to the Cincinnati Zoo acquired an adorable “new pal” at one of the penguin exhibits.

“New BFFs!” the zoo tweeted after viewing footage of Izzy Meltzer being followed closely by the waddling penguin as she paced back and forth along the glass divider.

In the footage, Meltzer laughs when it becomes clear that the penguin does not want to leave her side.

“I made a friend,” she says, adding, “I think it’s because I’m dressed like him,” referring to her black clothing, white vest and white shoes.

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After her visit Meltzer tweeted the video, stating, “This made my day! Could it be my penguin-like resemblance?”

Interestingly, not one of the other penguins expressed interest in Meltzer or this developing friendship.

–Image courtesy of Izzy Meltzer