Watch WR Anthony Schwartz make highlight catch for a TD

We preface the article with a few things but it is fun and optimistic to enjoy Schwartz’s highlight so we do that. You can do the same watching it here:

Before we get to the exciting video, it is important to acknowledge a few things that we know many of you might be thinking when seeing the title:

  • Yes, it is only one play.
  • Yes, it is only in practice, not a game.
  • Yes, the player in question has struggled.
  • No, this doesn’t mean everything is fixed.
  • Yes, we are still posting it here.

Now on to the excitement, optimism and positivity.

Cleveland Browns WR Anthony Schwartz made a great play in practice on Tuesday. On the last day of training camp open to fans, the second-year receiver out of Auburn showed the ability to track the ball deep and made a catch over his shoulders with close coverage for a touchdown:

It is also important to note the perfectly placed ball by QB Jacoby Brissett.

Schwartz seems to be fighting to regain his confidence and, based on a lot of negativity, even fighting for a roster spot possibly. Here, he makes a great move at the line of scrimmage and then uses his speed to keep the separation between himself and CB Martin Emerson.

Schwartz could continue to struggle but, just as we highlight those struggles, it is nice to see him be successful as well. Hoping it translates into game situations is the optimistic way of being a fan.