WATCH: Taylor Heinicke drops an absolute dime to DeAndre Carter for Washington touchdown

Taylor Heinicke with a dime to DeAndre Carter for Washington’s first touchdown.

The Washington Football Team has had plenty of trouble scoring touchdowns in recent weeks, especially when the team gets deep into the opposition’s territory.

Late in the third quarter of Sunday’s game against the Denver Broncos, Washington trailed 10-3 and was again deep in Denver’s territory. On a first-and-10 at the Broncos’ 20-yard line, Washington quarterback Taylor Heinicke drops back and throws a dime to wide receiver DeAndre Carter to even the score at 10 with the Broncos.

It was one of, if not the best Heinicke throw of the season.

Now, Washington trails 17-10 late in the fourth quarter and Heinicke has another chance for late-game heroics.