Watch: Snow reporter photobombed by very clumsy skier

A video ski report from Pennsylvania’s Seven Springs Mountain Resort is piling up views on social media mostly because of the hilarious episode playing out behind the reporter.

A video ski report from Pennsylvania’s Seven Springs Mountain Resort is piling up social media views mostly because of a hilarious episode that plays out behind the reporter.

The accompanying footage shows Abbey Way providing a detailed report about new and continuing snowfall while a skier precariously navigates down an icy stairway in ski boots.

As Way touts 16 inches of snow that fell during the past week, the skier enters the picture trying valiantly not to slip and injure herself – the latter task made possible, thankfully, by a railing that she clutches with both hands while loosing her footing.

“Someone please help that person in the back,” reads one of the hundreds of comments.

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More than one follower alluded to this being a staged publicity stunt, and if that’s true it was superbly executed.

But assuming this was, in fact, an unintentional photobombing event involving a novice skier learning how to walk on ice in ski boots, there are many among us who can relate.

–Image courtesy of Seven Springs Mountain Resort