WATCH: Oregon Ducks get Pac-12 Championship rings at practice

The Ducks got a chance to celebrate and accept their Pac-12 Championship rings, which are fit perfectly with a ‘Back 2 Back’ insignia.

The Oregon Ducks football team is busy this week getting prepared for the annual Spring Game, which is set to be held at Autzen Stadium on Saturday afternoon. However, there was time on Wednesday for a quick break as the group took a minute to celebrate last year’s success and accept their Pac-12 Championship rings from last season.

Though some of the players have left the team and are on to bigger and better things, the returning players got to open their ring boxes and put on the sparkling jewelry, showing off for the camera and flexing their new bling, which is fit perfectly with the words ‘Back 2 Back’ on them.


The video released by Oregon also captured the moment where head coach Mario Cristobal got his ring as well, and like a classic football coach, his only message was that it was time to get back to work.

Get back to work they will do this weekend, as the new roster prepares to show their stuff at the spring game.

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